
Paypal and Ebay two fingers in the same glove. Somehow i highly doubt they truly were divorced so to say, they still apear to be “Part and Parcel” does anyone else get tue feeling they just moved one of the two into a numbered offshore account or some such shady **bleep** ?? I mean can you think of any other two “Seperate” companies who mention each other frequently on the automated time wasters, i mean, automated recordings while you wait the exorbanant paint drying, seeds germinating, the much needed bus coming, amounts of time for a more often than not and said purely FACTUALLY, an offten hard to understand and seemingly daft random person who could have been kidnapped from a bus stop just hours before and is reading from cue-cards with a squirtgun to hos unused temple ? Is it just me that finds it funny that everytime i call evay with a problem they throw Paypal under the bulldozer and claim “THIS IS AN ISSUE FOR PAYPAL, and in return Paypal having many ebay shoutouts in thier automated recordings that fill you with completely Captain Obvious answers to unasked questions, does the same exact thing throwing (“That Scoundrell EBAY its all thier fault and theyre the reason for the divorce ! ) EBAY under the bus at the very least doi g any and everything to get you to call the other instead ITS EVEN AN OPTION ON BOTH OF THIER AUTOMATED SYSTEMS!!?? I feel like im participating in a recording of the Jerry springer show like either paypal or ebay is going to slink over Jerry Springer style and whisper in my ear “i probly shouldnt twll you this seeing as you have a fully loaded squirtgun and all but they just did some shady stuff behind your back, i mean, i dont wanna point fingers bit a facts a fact..... same cue-cards, same fully loaded squirtgun same un-used temple or frontal lobe area, (blast away jokes on you, theres nothing there lol) just venting i get weary when every rep is un accountable for what they tell you and if you speak to 5 reps from wither company, each one will swear to you “that last guy, he doesnt know what the heck he’s talkin about!! I know everything there is to know such as, we will not be able to resolve your issue today or any other, i lnow that before you even ask the question!! (Jedi stuff, the force??) anuone get to the end of this tyrade lol and care to chime in all comments responded to unless expressly asked not to !! NAMASTAY

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Huh ? Im sorry im new to this i only see o one word answer either im mossing something or your messin with me lol not sure stinks being new an fumblin around
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Well all you have posted is a long rant without any real question, so what else could I add?

I put ok to get rid of it from the list of posts waiting for answers as you didn't ask a question.

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OK I didn’t mean to disturb the little fiefdom here I actually waited over six months to try to find the correct people to ask the question too once again I don’t know if I should take you seriously or not it’s actually a very specific question why Mike two cards that have always worked well not now work yeah I went off on a little bit of a rant there that with my word but it’s good to know that you do that you just go in and delete the question out of the community it’s hard to believe your any type of administrator and you cannot read that and understand what I’m asking very clearly several times over and over again But hey you’re the boss and you say there’s no question there right? Okey-dokey have a good day enjoy your power trip six months I’m trying to find an answer to this question and you don’t see a question in there I’m sure there’s about 30,000 people that would beg to differ but you know you’re the boss so do what you Gotta do Romeo off the community whatever b but hey you’re the boss and you say there’s no question there right? Okey-dokey have a good day enjoy your power trip six months I’m trying to find an answer to this question and you don’t see a question in there I’m sure there’s about 30,000 people that would beg to differ but you know you’re the boss so do what you Gotta do toss me off the community whatever thinng if you want Kind of proving my point for me wouldn’t you say or did you even actually read my message that little hard to understand how you didn’t see a question that I actually asked the same question in about five different ways to make sure people such as yourself with the people I’ve been getting to answer the phone at eBay with the really understand the problem I’m running into I thought maybe the community could help me but I guess you are the administrator so to let her answer toss my question out after I sat here for an hour trying to word the question in every way possible so people could thoroughly understand it but you see no question there kind of proving my point for me wouldn’t you say or did you even actually read my message that little hard to understand how you didn’t see a question I actually asked the same question in about five different ways to make sure people such as yourself or the people I’ve been getting to answer the phone at eBay would thoroughly understand the problem I’m running into I thought maybe the community could help me but I guess you ever get a minute straighter so to letter answer typed my question out after I sat here for an hour trying to word the question in every way possible so people could barely understand it but you see no questionnaire
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I’m sorry what was your name again and you are who? The administrator I just wrote out a very detailed question and you see no question? So you purposefully gave a two letter answer purposefully to get rid of my question that I asked in five different ways and you are the administrator? I’m sorry do you have a number or a name or something because buy your own guideline that inappropriate behavior thanks for the help enjoyed your little fiefdom
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All I see is a rant, can't be bothered to read all that, bye.

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