Unable to Make a Monthly PayPal Credit Payment

For about the past 24 hours, I've been trying to log into my PayPal Credit account to make a payment. Today I keep receiving the message, "Synchrony Bank is experiencing some unexpected technical issues. We apologize for this inconvenience. We appreciate your patience as we work quickly to resolve the matter. Please try again later. Please note - our call centers are also experiencing technical difficulties and may have long wait times. Thank you for being a valued customer." I've searched online to see if anyone else is receiving this message and can't find anything. I've cleared my cache and restarted my device... same message. CAN ANYONE HELP OR CONFIRM OR PROVIDE ANY INFORMATION!?
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You are exactly right... MY posts (if people had even read them correctly) were regarding PayPal Credit (which, as you pointed out, used to be Bill Me Later). I had no idea there were other Synchrony Bank-related PayPal credit cards or that were attached to the PayPal Summary page as you've explained. Synchrony does service PayPal Credit. I always thought it was "just" PayPal until about a year ago. PayPal does not service PayPal Credit. There is no physical credit card for Paypal Credit. I used it frequently for online purchases and then just log into PayPal to pay it off each month. This month, there was no link from the PayPal Summary page - which is when I started reading the messages here and tried to find out what was wrong.


I was only offering information that I obtained - hoping it would help others. I WAS able to at least make a payment for my PayPal Credit account. I had - I have - no idea if that link works for the, apparently, multiple credit cards Synchrony manages. I did NOT mark my answer as a solution.  It worked for me with PayPal credit, but I still don't have a link to PayPal credit on my PayPal summary page - so I would not have considered that a solution. There is still a problem as far as I'm concerned.


I think this experience has taught me to just fend for myself and not participate in these discussions. Can't believe how harsh some posters got. I was just trying to offer what info I was able to locate and to report that I was finally able to at least get my payment made to Synchrony's PayPal Credit account. If it didn't work for other Synchrony cards, I'm sorry, but how would I know?


Thanks for your reasonable and explanatory post @joea64 



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@lovetosell; @joea64; This is specifically for @lovetosell and @joea64 . I truly hope this experience hasn't discouraged you from participating in these discussions because I've found both of you to be so helpful, thorough, and fantastic! 🥰 I think any "nasty" responses were probably more from frustration rather than anything personal. I only mentioned the weird "solved/solution" thing because you, lovetosell, were kind enough to post a suggestion, but then apologized when you tried it and said it didn't work. But then PayPal posted it as a solution anyway... for a question that wasn't yet answered for any of us! I felt like at that point they were completely manipulating the discussion. I probably should have been clearer about that. Anyway, I've definitely learned A LOT more from all of you than I ever would have from PayPal, so I don't regret posting. Just sorry what brought me here. I hope I never have to return, but again, I received faster responses and also options to try this way! Whether they'd work or not, it was better than a spinning circle or stupid hold music! I also received some advice (take it or leave it). But I wanted to make sure I thanked you both for very in depth information!
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"Whether they'd work or not, it was better than a spinning circle or stupid hold music"  🙂  I'd have to agree... that music is hard to get out of one's head after listening to it for what seems like forever...!


Thank you for your lovely note.  My comments were not directed at you (I did not want to point out who it was that pushed my sensitivity button!)

I did want to point out / stress that I was not the one who labeled my post as a solution though.  That was odd. Disconcerting that PayPal can actually manipulate our discussions.  I find it annoying they block attempts to provide phone numbers, web and email addresses as solutions as well. Doesn't do anyone any good.


Thank you for your posts and for trying to help us all out with this problem.  I was just breathing a sigh of relief that I was able to make payment on my account. I don't plan on using it this month until I can see that this problem has been resolved. Fingers crossed. I hope we all receive the CORRECT information we are seeking - soon - and that Synchrony Bank steps up to the plate. PayPal must be completely overloaded with calls and complaints over this and it really is not in their control.


Best wishes and thanks for your post!

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