Billing Address requirement when using PayPal


What is the point of uisng PayPal when a seller then also wants a billing address? I don't want to give them my billing address as I don't live in the US.


I live on Roatan Island in the Caribbean. I use PayPal to pay for things from US suppliers that would reject a transaction from off shore thinking it's a scam and they won't get paid. I understand their concern, but I've been using PaypPal for many years and there's never been a problem. I pay my bills.


Why must I supply a billing address, when PayPal is the third party that is supporting the transaction? The only reason I use PayPal is to have PayPal vouch for the transaction since I have a long history with PayPal. 


BTW - Automatically assuming a Spanish web site when I log in because my traffic conmes from a Spanish speaking country needs to be corrected. My preference is English.

Also, gray text on a white background when filling out this form may be some artsy character's idea of good web design, but it's really not. 

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we are not Paypal,if the seller wants your billing address and you dont wantto give it to him,just cancel the order.

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"we are not Paypal"   If this isn't PayPal, then what is it.


The point is that PayPal should prevent their merchants from requesting such information. If I have to provide a billing address, then I might as well use my credit card. I might as well cancel my PayPal account.

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