Sold item for $33,000 on ebay and seller claims not receipt even though tracking shows delivered.


FedEx shows delivered and signed for. PayPal refunds money to the buyer. We provided the tracking number to his address. PayPal representative told me nothing to worry about because tracking shows delivered. I get an email tonight that PayPal ruled in his favor!!!! Now we're out $33,000 and a Patek Philippe watch for $33,000. I am totally shocked that this could have happened. 


Please help!

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I am on the other side of the spectrum. I bought an item worth $500 but never received it. The tracking showed it was delivered and signed for by the leasing agent at my apartment complex. This person couldn't have signed for it because she was off that day. Paypal denied my claim twice and also refused to assist further.

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@sumvu wrote:

I am on the other side of the spectrum. I bought an item worth $500 but never received it. The tracking showed it was delivered and signed for by the leasing agent at my apartment complex. This person couldn't have signed for it because she was off that day. Paypal denied my claim twice and also refused to assist further.

You should start another thread.

If your package is delivered (no signature requried for any payment under $750),seller wins.

since signature is not required,whether your leasing agent is present or not or sign for the package is not relevant.

if it is not too late,you can call your post office and ask where is the package delivered to?

there is this trick of sending an empty box or envelope to an address in your neighborhood which shares your zipcode,could be a restaurant,a shop open 8-5 pm and always have a worker there to receive packages and sign for them,as most businesses use Fed EXP or UPS.

The worker will find it is an empty package and throw it away.


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Buyer does not pay ebay or paypal fee or USPS shipping ,insurance fee,when someone finds you on Ebay and suggest dealing off Ebay,then you have to ask why?

you can say great,I give you a discount if you wiretransfer the money ,I will pick up the wiretransfer expenses,free shipping.

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@sharpiemarker wrote:

You basically got scammed.  I see what the buyer did.  They are very knowledgeable on how PayPal works.  There probably wasn't a shipping address on the PayPal payment notification you received.  The buyer likely didn't pay via eBay checkout.  They went to Send & Request page of their PayPal account and sent a goods and services payment but ticked the "no address needed" box, the way to indicate that it was a "service". Then messaged you where to ship it.  Is the buyer intl and domestic?  As the saying not sell on ebay and accept payment through PayPal for goods you cannot afford to lose.

In order to do that,buyer must have the seller Paypal email address,to send a payment leaving   shipping address blank and add the address in the note section .

and the only way to get seller Paypal email address is to ask the seller

If this is indeed an Ebay order,buyer would go thru Ebay to make PAYPAL payment it is not possible to leave shipping address blank.


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What were the details for the PayPal payment transaction?

Did it state

OK to ship?

Eligible for seller protection?


Did you ship to the buyer's address ON THE PAYPAYL DETAIL PAGE?

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The PayPal transaction said payment "good and services" the model number of the watch was listed and the address was provided. PayPal said the buyer provided the address not PayPal. I said how do I know the difference. They said under the notes section is where buyer can specify details.
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Go to your PayPal acitivity list on your computer.  Click on the transaction.  it will show fees and net receipt.  

Does it have an OK to ship statment?

Does it have a statement about eligibility for seller protection?

What buyer address is on that page?  Did you ship to that address?

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Next to his name it says VERIFIED. Also the only address is at the bottom under notes. Which is the one that we shipped to. Also on the PayPal call the agent insisted it was ok to ship
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@Jgruen85 wrote:
The PayPal transaction said payment "good and services" the model number of the watch was listed and the address was provided. PayPal said the buyer provided the address not PayPal. I said how do I know the difference. They said under the notes section is where buyer can specify details.

so if it were goods and services,and there is no shipping address on the Paypal payment notice,but buyer add the shipping address in the note section?

Both Paypal and EBay allow a buyer to enter multiple shipping addresses and as long as you ship to one of them,you are protected.

what seller usually do when a buyer wants to send as a gift is to ask them to add the recipient address to his account as shipping address to get protection.

sorry for your loss,not much you can do,filing with FBI or internet police cannot bring you back the watch.

I take it you did not take out insurance with private insurer?

Fed Exp has indemnity,jewelry up to 1k and non jewelry $100,but not sure you qualify,and not sure if you have tracking and signature via Fed Exp,any private insurer would cover you.

The only suggestion for you in the future besides learingmore about ebay and seller protection is to sell someplace without taking credit card,which means no Ebay or sell to a dealer who would pay less but he would pay cash or a high end pawn shop.

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Thanks but private insurance only covers coverage loss not after a package is delivered and signed for
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