Using a US$ account at a Canadian bank


I live in Canada, and use a Canadian bank. I have a US$ account at that bank, which I linked to my new PayPal account so I could make purchases in the US without having to convert the currency. (I'm still in the "confirmation" waiting stage of opening my PayPal account -- it's not yet fully operational, so I can't really try it).


Reading other people's concerns, it appears this isn't going to work for me.


Please tell me this isn't so!!!  If I can't purchase goods or services offered in the US, by transferring money from my US$ account at my Canadian bank to my PayPal account, then I won't have much use for PayPal. I might as well just pay online with my Canadian credit card.


Can any Canadian, with a US$ account at a Canadian bank, linked to PayPal) tell me if it works for them?______



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You just need to go in and change your PayPal preferred "currency" settings to US Funds and don't forget to "save" your settings.

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New Community Member

Where exactly can I find that 'preferred currency' area in my profile please?  I have just set up a US dollar account but cannot find that particular 'box' anywhere.




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u cant do this and i donno why. I tried myself to transfer money to my US dollar and it was rejected, I tried again and when I added my bank account there's a message stating that your account in canda must be only in Canadian dollars. am gonna try to email paypal about this.

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