Insufficient funds!!!!?!?


The other day I tired ordering an IPhone off of eBay. When I was checking out and about to sign into my Paypal account it said "funds are not available, enter a debit card". Well there is more than enough money in my banking account to buy the phone. I've tried ordering this phone before also, and eBay always said that "the seller has yet to receive payment". I contacted the seller and I found that he never got an order from me so that's why I ordered it again. Also, I tried emailed Paypal twice and neither times have I got any responses within 24 hours like they promise... 

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There are times when PayPal's system will not allow the bank account to be used as a funding source.  Why? Only the people who designed the system know why, I just know that happens quite a bit.

I have heard it commonly happening on electronic items.  So I would just link up a debit card and make your purchase.

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