having problem when i trying to pay


so first of all

i personally dont have a bank account, and i think i dont want one yet

implaying a game in HONGKONG server,so i bought the recharge moneypak(5 dollar fee)total 55 charged,and with fee it's 60

when i was trying to buy the game point

it says

Return to merchant and try a different payment method

We are not able to process your payment using your PayPal account at this time. Please return to the merchant's website and try using a different payment method (if available).


is it because i just recharge or something else?

im not going to have a bank account soon

so i cant do that comformation

if i cant get it used can i get my money back

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I believe this is my merchant?? I am currently getting the same message. However, when you're checking out, make sure that your Payment Method is switched from PayPal to MoneyPak before processing payment. That way you can get the correct check out page.


They're a website I purchase games from all the time, until this past month, I was doing okay when making a PayPal purchase. But When that error came up, I had contacted their customer service and informed me that they had changed something with PayPal but assured me that everything should be okay with them, and if not to contact PayPal Customer Service. So that is what I am doing now.


But in your case, You checked out intended on using a MoneyPak when in fact you checked out using PayPal as a
Payment Method. Go back to the Payment Method type, change it to MoneyPak, and you should be able to get the correct checkout page.


Just in case that the website is not my merchant, the result of Checking out should be the same result. Make sure that the payment method is switched from PayPal to MoneyPak.  

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and there is no moneypak

only paypal balance or link card

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Okay, yea I can't help you with that, I still have an unresolved issue with another merchant who does the same exact thing you're talking about. And Neither Paypal or them will do anything to fix the issue. their reply was that there was nothing wrong with their purchaing process. So I'm not quite sure why I was not able to go through the process that I was previously able to 2 weeks prior to that. Causing me to miss out on a few games I really wanted to purchase. Now that merchant has just lost my business. 

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