Chargeback lost with friends and family transaction


A few weeks ago I received a payment for $125 through friends and family. Keep in mind I am not selling anything. About 2 weeks ago, I received a chargeback since the person knew he would lose if he opens a dispute with PayPal. The chargeback stated that he never received the item (WHAT ITEM?! I'm not selling anything.) Today I get an email from PayPal stating that they sided with that person because "The transaction was not eligible for Seller Protection." This transaction was done through friends and family so there is no protection for either side. On top of that, they charge me $20 for helping me during the chargeback. I would be glad to pay the $20 but not for losing a case that was closed for a BS reason. What can I do? Im down to -$126 because of this stupid chargeback that I lost for no reason. 

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Why did you receive money from the other party?

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Because the person owed me money from something I helped them with a while back
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