Keep on asking Business Documents that I don't have!




My account got recently limited because someone sent me 900$ then it has this holding period of 21 days, IT IS NOT A PAYMENT OR WHAT. Then on the resolution center, it keeps on asking documents like Provide your business information, Provide shipment info and Confirm available inventory which is I don't have because I am not a seller or anything. I did already emailed them but they keep on answering Scripts over and over again. This is really frustrating me. 


Anyone can resolve this issue or help me to resolve this?



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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

Your transaction seems to be a business transaction so you  need supporting documents to show your business.


You need to review all of your PayPal trasactions and look for potential problems.


If you want help here you would need to list your past transctions and also describe your real business or other activities.

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I don't have any business, I am just working for him as a Virtual Assistant. We have this common friend which she suggest to me that I will work for him. Also, this is just the second transaction that I have in my paypal.
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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

You are conducting risky business-like activities.  You are providing a service and getting paid for a service; that's as business activity.  You need to explain the real details of your activitties and then justify why they are not a business and why they are not risky.  Working for a "commnon friend" sounds more like an easy money deal than a real business.  Since you haven't explained how you make a profit with this one can only assume that it is a high rissk scheme.  PayPal seems to evaluate it as such.

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You do know what is an online freelancer or virtual assistant? If not, kindly look for it and you will know the nature of it.
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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

Those were the specific reasons I mentioned that it was a risky business.  I think your actual business practices and transactions would show that.

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

@Flor28 wrote:
You do know what is an online freelancer or virtual assistant? If not, kindly look for it and you will know the nature of it.

This is why Paypal becomes so restrictive,anti money laundering,anti terrorism acts .

You have accepted a good sum of money under goods and services ,you have no tracking to upload since it is service not selling tangible physical goods,you are new to Paypal ,you need to show some legit documents,if you have no inventory,how about some certificate or license as to your credential/

You know your sender can always file item not received and get his money back,

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor


That's what I meant 🙂  You just stated it so much better with the details.

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I'll need some more information to help you.  

What was the $900 payment for?

What type of PayPal account do you have?


Thanks Robot Happy


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