How do I buy a Delta air ticket with PayPal?

I am trying to purchase tickets for my grown son to visit me in late May for a week.  I saw online that Delta (my preferred airline) accepts PayPal payments.  I called Delta and asked and the representative said I would have to have the information that you find on a regular credit card; number, expiration date, security code. 


I do have PayPal Credit on my account but I was never issued a PayPal Credit  Card.  Do I need to set up a PayPal Credit card?  And if so, how do I contact PayPal to achieve that?

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Frequent Advisor
Frequent Advisor

PayPal Credit is not a credit card so that won't work.


You need plastic credit card.  PayPal has a credit card and also a debit card to take funds from your PayPal balance.  They are plastic cards accepted where MasterCard is accpted.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor

If Delta checkout has a PayPal button, click that.  You will be directed to log on to your PayPal.  After that, you can see if PayPal Credit aka billmelater is an option to pay with, if not, choose another method from the list as long as you have other funding sources already linked to your PayPal account or just close the window or click "cancel and return to merchant" to back out of purchase.


Before you make this purchase, make sure all of your funding sources can cover the purchase.  Even PayPal Credit aka billmelater can still decline the charge after you complete checkout and PayPal will choose an alternate funding source when the merchant process the payment off the authorization.

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