i got scammed on depop


On  Monday night, I was looking through Depop procrastinating at 12 AM, and I stumbled upon a bag I really wanted from Places + Faces for $70 (which should have been a warning sign when it's a high demand product) so I was like "ohh this is a steal" not taking in account the amount of followers the guy had (7...) and the reviews he had (1...). I DMed the guy asking if he could reduce the price, then my stupid self buys it because I panicked saw something online that had the same tag and thought it would be high in demand. Then, I compared the zipper tags on the P + F official site and his post; it was completely different. When I was scrolling at Imgur (where I found the tag similar to it), I knew for sure it was a counterfeit. (https://imgur.com/a/nCvRz#sYFV2Qy <-same tag)


... After I already bought it.

Yes, I know I was dumb; my purchases on Depop have been great but that night my god idk what took over me.



Then, I proceeded to message the seller asking for a refund the same day I bought it. It's Wednesday, and the person still hasn't replied to me. I checked in the receipts and saw that the guy sent the package to USPS today. This was a huge shock to me.


Mind you, the guy hasn't said ANYTHING TO ME AT ALL FOR THE PAST 2 TO 3 DAYS. NOTHING.

I'm trying to know what's going on today and I confronted the guy, asking if he was being for real (since he hasn't said anything), then HE BLOCKED ME. NOW I KNOW IT'S FAKE FOR SURE. If it was real, then would he block me in the first place? He never advertised it as real, but this is not the product I was expecting (because in the pictures he had, they looked real until I noticed the zipper string) and he implictly is saying it's fake by doing that. Plus, I don't think you can sell fake products on Depop.


The product is apparently coming this Friday, and I've already opened a case against the guy. He sent me a message from the case apparently, but I can't see it for some reason. Once I get the package, it would be okay to classify the item as not as described, right? Even though he didn't directly state it was authentic? What should I do? I know my question is stupid, but I'm in full panic mood and I don't want to **bleep** everything up.


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