Sending limit email


Last night I have made my first purchase with my paypal account for $30 and got en email saying:


We wanted to let you know that you’re just $30.75 USD away from hitting your initial PayPal sending limit of $2,000.00 USD. This is the maximum amount of money you can send or use for purchases before you need to become Verified.


I don't have any other payments in transaction history, what is the $2000 about?

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Well Alex987....that's certainly...odd Smiley Surprised


All accounts have sending limits; once you reach them you need to get verified before we allow you to send more money through our systems.  From what you said, you should have $1969.25 remaining on your sending limit, not $30.75. 


I'm gonna chalk this one up to a hiccup in the system; if it continues post here again and we'll get this looked into. Also if there's anyone else on the boards having this issue, respond to the thread.  If we have a serious issue we need to look at, I would need more examples so our engineers can take a look.



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Same problem here 10000.00 limit and none available since i'm not Bank Verified..  Guessing for bad feed back due to this. Cant pay 20.00 using my Credit card thru paypal... Been on Paypal since 2003 without this Problem. WOW.. Help

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The system is holding my funds hostage and will not let me send more two hundred eight dollars but it saids my spending limt is over 3 grand i dont know what the dill is and  i need this paid now dead line.


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I just got the same thing saying that I was over a $2000 limit on a $120 purchase.   The only problem was that I have not purchased anything in a couple of months.  So this sounds like a repetitive glitch in the system or something else like Papal wants to have all of its customer verified. 


I called and Terry could not give me much in the way of answers just that I had to be verified.  The 2 ways to do that is get a PayPal credit card or give PayPal my bank account information. I don't want another credit card.  I really don't want PayPal to have my bank account info. That pretty much means goodbye to purchasing stuff from eBay too,  a double hit.  I would suggest a 3rd option: There should be a way to get verified by providing enough information.

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Have been an Ebay customer for a number of years with no credit issues but have not been purchasing for some months. I do NOT want a Paypal credit card nor to have a link to my bank. It seems Ebay wants fewer customers as does the PAyPal branch. It should be simple to allow people with decent credit to use a credit card of their choice and buy/sell as previoiusly. I have gotten 2 emails saying that I could not be verified then played around with it and finally got my credit card to work.  Totally annoying so why can't it be fixed?

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I have the same issue. I have a business account which has funds from customers. I went to purchase an item and got a message saying I reached my spending limit 0.00 and that it shows I have 1900.00 left. Plus the message stated that PayPal declined my payment but the money is out of the account. 


Help- I need that item for a business related Fashion Show. 




P.S. I know about the verify bank account, I just don't have a business bank account set up yet.

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i have the same problem. got an e-mail telling me i am $617.06 away from my limit of $2000 . i bought one item for $50 . i just opened my account sunday. this the only thing i bought . where did $1300 come from. i guess i am going to call their customer service number . considering what people have wrote i am not hopeful.
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just called customer service got the nicest lady i have ever spoken to. my fault not paypal. i forgot about my cousins account. he used my info. i knew about it. now i get to tell him he spent $1250 on e-bay . ha
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Similar problem:


 Spent about $500 in Austria last week, and got an email that I'm "almost at your spending limit of $10,000" though in the past year I've spent only $1K, not the 50% that the graphic shows. Logging into (not from a link in the email) shows the same, so I think the email is legitimate.


 Is this just Paypal's way of coercing us to link directly to our bank accounts? What's the best way to reach them by fax? (better than email, but I want answers in writing)




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