Prepaid Virgin Visa




I've had a paypal account linked to my normal bank account for years no problem. I'm unable to use my bank account for the time being though, so have got a Virgin prepaid Visa card, but I keep getting a refusal message when I try to link it to my paypal account. All I want to do is put funds into my paypal account so I can pay for an ebay item, but it's proving incredibly frustrating.


Has anyone else had this problem? The Virgin card is provided by The Co-Op bank, MBNA branch, according to the letter they've sent me. Could that be a problem?


Alternatively, is there an easy way to put money into my paypal account other than transferring from my bank account, (which I can't use) preferably over the counter at a bank branch/post office or something?



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Hi Mogwai8, 


If you have a debit card you can add this to your PayPal account. Also you do not need to have funds in your PayPal balance to pay for your items. If you have available funds on your registered card you can use this to pay for your item. Also you will be asked to confirm your card however you should be able to us it for a couple of transactions before you verify it. 


I hope this helps 



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The Co-op details are for paying money on to your Virgin Prepaid card, not for withdrawing funds to PayPal.
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