bank account necessary?


if i choose Credit Card link when registering, why does it then also ask for Bank Account info?  is this necessary?  i don't know whether to trust.

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I've been a PayPal user since 2001, and I too just received a limit reached notice. There is no way I've spent 10,000 in the last year (this limit is suppose to reset on your yearly signup aniverseary date), or for that matter spent $10,000 got the lifetime of the account! Further more, my account was verified at the time by providing credit card information! So what happened??? Paypal now wants your bank account info... Cold day in **bleep** before I give that up.. Or to sign up for their master Card.. No thanks! So I no longer have a method to be verified, my last transaction can't be paid so I'll have to default payment.. Bottom-line.. Say good buy to PayPal.. And I guess eBay Because the protected against fraud credit card I use is the only way I will now do transactions on eBay or on the web.. That said, I was just getting ready to start selling instead of just buying.. Oh well guess PayPal and eBay looses out for implementing a policy that either opens all users to higher risk of identity theft.. You know they only go for the big companies for break ins now.. Ask Sony PSN about that.. I've had idenity theft once already and it took years to fix.. And that's when everything signed used carbon paper that stayed in a small town. Now with PayPal being world wide, having many multiple sites replicating customer account data, it no longer a one store entrance and one copy low risk.. There is already to much of our personal info out there already and I'm not going to post my bank account or personal debit card information into any place I have no control of..
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dont do it its just an easier way for Paypal to pull funds when something goes wrong!!!! In lamens terms it makes it easier for them to **bleep** you!!!

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I posted this on April 20th,


I have been using Pay pal to make purchases on eBay for several years using a corporate credit card.

The credit card has been verified by Pay pal.

When I try to make a purchase my account status says I have reached a $10,000

spending limit and can no longer make purchases.

When I try to verify my account I am only given the payment option of using a bank

account to make payments.

This will not work since I work for a large corporation (whom the credit card I use belongs to)

and cannot get authorization or get finance / accounting to approve allowing any vendor to have

acess to their bank accounts.

I am told by finance they only make check ACH or wire payments.

Why can I no longer use my corporate credit card?



After one month and NO repiles to my question I found this topic.

Thank you Pay Pal for your non help.


As Forrest Gump's Mom said,

Stupid is as stupid does.

They only hurt Ebay and themselves.

I now buy everything I need from Amazon.

They are at least smart enough to take my card and my money.

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