Developer mode issues


Hi all,


I need your help. Since days now my account is on SANDBOX mode instead of LIVE mode. When i want to switch to LIVE mode, it says at this moment it cannot be switched please contact developer support.

I am running a opencart business at the moment, and i have some extensions what are realing on the developer mode of PayPal.


Few days ago, i have wrote an email to support (merchantechsupport) -  

Case Number: 14122496
Subject: from sandbox to live
Date Created: August 6, 2024


But at this point, still nobody contacted me. I tried to call the support today. It was the local German support, did not helped me. He told me need to wait from the merchanttechsupport. But until now no success.


And my business does not have a backup payment method. So i need to fix that problem. Otherwise i am missing income.


Who can help me out? Thank you in advance.



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