Limitations put on my account

New Community Member

There was some limitation put upon my account as it is registered as a charity or non profit. I never registered a charity account in the first place. I am freelancer earning money. 

They asked me to submit some documents. As per the advice of the customer care i submitted the documents. it has been more than 45 days and not response from paypal. 

What should be done in this case? When I try to call the customer care, they keep me waiting and hardly someone responds.

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Hi there @Virinci,


Thanks for visiting the Community! I'm very sorry to hear you have not received an update on the account. That sounds troubling. If you haven't received an update yet, it may be possible that there was an update in the Resolution Center. In this case, it would be best to review the following Help Center article for steps on Resolving a Limitation. I hope this can be resolved soon!


Take care,


- Celeste

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