Paypal would not refund money to seller after proof of delivery


My Buyer in France said their package was not delivered. They filed a claim the first day possible. Paypal refunded their money. USPS said the item was in customs. Paypal told me they required PROOF of delivery in order to repay me. I contacted USPS and they sent me letters stating the package had been delivered to the paypal address. It took 39 days for delivery due to the delay in customs. Now paypal tells me they can not return my money from the buyer because it took too long. We have lost $500 and hours working with paypal and USPS. Oh but wait ....


Paypal sent a "courtesy" email to the buyer and asked them to return my money. If they do not return my money Paypal said they would give me some websites for information on how to collect. This is NOT funny guys.


I'm out $500 and they just wash their hands. Without sellers there will be no buyers but guess they haven't figured that out yet and I don't know about other sellers but we can't afford to lose $500. We NO LONGER ship to any International Buyers thanks to an unrealistic Paypal policy. So SELLERS BE AWARE when you ship overseas. Tell PayPal the length of time for dispute resolution MUST be 90 days. It takes 30 days for each response from USPS if your lucky and call them every week. Best of luck to every seller out there. We need it!

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You needed online viewable signature confirmation for proof of delivery.


You need to file a mail fraud complaint with the USPS about the buyer

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Also did you know that the French goverment employees are not to happy. SOme are on strike because the GOV wants to raise the retirement age to 65.


This also caused a large shortage of fuel for the country, around 40% of the gas stations were shut down because there was no fuel


That may be why it took so long for the package to be delivered

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