Dispute after 180 days.


Just had a buyer request a refund 180 days after the original purchase. I delivered the item, so im a bit confused how this is even possible, or what the buyer is trying to achieve. From my understanding a refund request isn't possible after 180 days, so how did this happen?


Just a small second question:

i responded to the dispute with a file and a small text, but the dispute status is still "requiring your action", anything i can do to progress the dispute?

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Esteemed Advisor



They can open a dispute within 180 days of payment (that may not be the same day that they made the purchase), so have you double checked its defo past 180 days?


If it is then i would give customer services a call and tell them that the dispute should not have been allowed  >>


Click on the words "Help / Contact" at the bottom of paypals pages and use the phone option in the blue band at the top. Log in and get the code.

When you get through don't select any options just hang on till you get transfered to an agent or say the word "agent".

In the UK its free from any landline phone.

Secondly can I mention that you should never use paypal if you personally deliver an item OR the buyer collects as you have zero seller protection. You should only accept cash on collection only (Ebay allows this) and refuse paypal. Then you would have cash in hand and no paypal fee along with no risk of disputes.


Good luck.


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I've double checked, and the purchase was made 25. of january 2017. (6 monthes and 5 days ago).

I did not deliver the package myself, as it was an online account i sold. Therefor i do not have any tracking info, or anytning of that sort.

I simply find it VERY unprofessional of paypal to allow a dispute to be opened after 180 days, when it is clearly stated that such is not possible.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Then why not phone them as i suggested?


Also are you sure its a paypal dispute and not a chargeback?

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"your buyer has filed a claim" i don't know if this is a chargeback or a dispute. but should either be possible after 180 days? i don't see how i'm responsible for whatever happened to the account after 6 months. but anyhow i sent paypal an email, as their phones aren't open at the moment.
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



As a chargeback is done directly via a buyers credit card company then its up to that company as to whether they will do a chargeback for their customer or not, most card companies say 6 months but there are exceptions.


Also UK customer services are open at the moment >>


For general queries, hours of operations are: 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday; 8am to 9pm Saturday; 9am to 9pm Sunday.

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It for sure is a dispute, and not a chargeback. Is there acutally any way the buyer can win this case?

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