I used my Card number instead of account number in BPI


Hello! I used my 16 digit card number of my BPI debit account instead of using my 10 digit account number. Is that okay? Because I transferred all my money that was here in my paypal account to my BPI account last march 19,2018. The status of transfer here indicates that it is "completed" and upon checking my BPI account, the money has not yet received. I want to make sure that it is okay to use the card number instead of account number because if it's not, the paypal will notice it and will reject the transfer. Thank you and please reply asap as i need the money. Thank you!

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You bank issued debit card is linked to your bank account. That said, Im not surprised the awful validation on Paypal allowed you to enter a 16 digit number for your bank account!


Contact your bank and ask them to search for the money. You will need to give them the date you started the transfer, amount and that it came from your Paypal account. It may be the money has got diverted into a bank holding account. And in future no, I wouldnt use your debit card number to transfer money into.

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