Answers from PayPal that make sense?

Hello all, Has anyone ever received an answer from PayPal that was actually answering their question or issue? I’ve been fighting to get a decent answer and all I get is cut and paste of various ways to proceed to do something that has nothing to do with what I’m asking. I reply and even send screenshots of their mistake and I get more nonsense. Is there anything else that can be done? Even in the categories, you can’t find anything related to “PayPal problems”
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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Well you could ask on here, failing that phone them?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Thank you. I did phone and it was just as frustrating as trying to e-mail them. Basically, they took money from my PayPal balance for a payment that was already refunded by the vendor. One week after the payment and immediate refund, they remove that amount from my paypal balance. And trying to get my money back, or at the very least, an explanation, is like pulling teeth... I phoned Saturday afternoon, and someone there is "escalating" the issue. However, I've heard nothing since.

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