Cannot send payment

New Community Member


I am getting this message when I try to send money. Is everyboby getting this today or is it just me?



"We are sorry, we are experiencing temporary difficulties. Please try again later. If this error occurred while making a payment, avoid duplicate payments by checking your Account Overview before resending a payment.

Message 3005"

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I have been getting this error for a few days now. I can't send a shipment until this is resolved.

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New Community Member

I've been having this problem for more than a week.  I called the help desk and they told me to "try later tonight".  I've tried different browsers on Macs and Windows but still get the same message too.

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I got another sale and this time paypal opened correctly, but I still can't print out the shipping label for the other sale.


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Hi All,


If you are having trouble printing a shipping label, please check that the address is correct with no unintended characters or spaces. You may need to "edit" the address to ensure correct formatting and information.



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I am also getting this error every time I try to send funds.


To be as specific as possible, this is when sending funds in JPY (yen) to a Japanese PayPal account from my US PayPal account. I do not get this error when trying to send funds to the same address in USD.


Please advise on how to fix this error.

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I'm trying to make a scheduled payment to my account and keep getting the following error message:  "Your total scheduled payment amount is more than the current balance. Please adjust the amount to continue."  No matter what amount I put in that is certainly at or below the posted current balance I get the message.  This follows a glitch over the past few days that resulted in an earlier scheduled payment not going thru, resulting in a posted non-payment and late charge of $39!  After talking with the Help Desk it was resolved.  But now this.   That's 2 strikes.  I've been using PP for a very long time and have never had problems.  And now 2 major issues within 3 days.  The new interface should have been debugged before rolling out...where I work, if this happened, heads would roll!!! 

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I get the exact same error
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New Community Member

I am also getting the same error message when trying to send money to my sister's paypal account. I first became aware of this problem yesterday. My sister called up paypal, and they said that it would be working today... which it isn't.


Actually i'm not suprised, as this seems to be typical paypal style. I wait impatiently for the day a reliable competitor comes onto the market so I never have to stress with paypal again.


PLEASE FIX THIS BUG PAYPAL SO WE CAN SEND MONEY!! ... Now i have to send a Western Union and pay their exhorbitant commsions on money transfer.

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I set up a new account with PP after being off the grid for a few years and apparently I chose a bad time to try and use PP's services.  The day I opened the account, Nov 5th, I sent a payment via e-check and also transferred funds from my bank account to my PP account and after 5 days it still says processing even though my bank almost immediately sent both e-checks...


This is unbelievable the system is supposed to be quick and efficient and honestly I think it's downgraded since when I used it 7 years ago.  From what I read apparently it's a bug?  I'm not receiving any error messages the money just isn't posting!

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