Landingpage Paypal et comment éviter toutes perte de transformation
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J'utilise Paypal standard mais craint fortement une grande perte de convertion en ne proposant que Paypal en paiement unique, impossible d'opter pour Payflow et Intégral Evolution n'apporte rien en étant toujours plus cher...
Je souhaite simplement que mes clients atterrissent sur la page Paypal avec déroulé en standard l'onglet "Payer par carte bancaire" au lieu de "Payer avec mon compte paypal" qui fait fuir les profanes et dont le parametre "LANDINGPAGE" ne fonctionne pas!
Le service telephonique est d'une incompetence rare!
Mis à part aller à la concurrence comme be2bill, que me proposez vous?
Merci et bonne journée
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Here's a few tips concerning the use of the credit card option:
Things to know Payments Standard's Credit Card Option or PayPal Account Optional as referred to in the User Guides: First, your Item Button Code require no special coding. It's related to how your Account is setup. * Account must be either Premier or Business. Personal Accounts do not have this option. * PayPal Account Optional is turned on - this enables non PayPal Members to pay by Credit Card. * The email address you use to log into your PayPal Account must be verified. * The "business" variable value in your button code must be a verified email address or your Business ID. * Bank Account linked and verified - so you can withdraw or transfer funds. * Credit Card linked and verified. To enable the PayPal Account Optional feature: Go to your Account Profile. Select: My Selling Tools Under: Selling Online Locate: Website Preferences Click on: Update Locate: PayPal Account Optional Click: On Click: Save When the "account optional" feature is turned on, customers don't need a PayPal account. They use an alternate checkout and have the option to sign up for a PayPal account afterward. Customers with PayPal accounts still log in to their PayPal accounts to check out. This feature is available for Buy Now buttons, Donations, shopping carts and invoices. Please note that if both the "auto return" and "account optional" features are turned on, customers who don't log in to PayPal can choose to go back to your website after checkout, but are not returned automatically. Next, there are specific reasons the Credit Card Option may not be available to your customers. * You are using Express Checkout. Express Checkout requires a PayPal Account * You are using the wrong email address or an unverified email address. * The country you reside in. Not all countries have all the PayPal features available. * The country your customers reside in. Not all countries have all PayPal features available. * The IP address of your hosted site is on a blocked list. Want to know what PayPal Features are available in your Country. Check out this page. Send and Receive Payments Securely Worldwide. Last, you have your PayPal Account setup properly but, still don't see the Credit Card Option or only see a small link to the Credit Card Option. It's all about the cookies. The PayPal Screens are designed to be displayed in a specific way and what you see is based on the cookies and/or your PayPal Account configuration. PayPal relies on the use of cookies to track what's in your cart and retain other info about you and therefore the screen that is displayed may not be the screen you expect to see. If you are a new customer visiting PayPal for the first time, the Credit Card Option will be clearly displayed. If this is your second or third visit to PayPal and your previous cookie has not expired, PayPal now views you as a returning customer. You will get a screen with a small link to the Credit Card Option. Although this is not as obvious to the customer, the Credit Card Option is still available. For example, the cookie that holds the cart info will retain that info for up to 21 days. The only way it will change is if you remove the items selected from the cart or delete the cookie. If you are testing your web pages, creating new code or making changes, etc., simply delete your web browser's cookies, temp files and history, then close your web browser, reopen it and try your web pages again. When you view the PayPal Screens, you will now get the screen with the Credit Card Option because PayPal views you as a new visitor. Other reasons for deleting cookies. Let's say you changed your business email address or business graphic logo. If you don't delete the cookies, temp files and history before you test, you will still see the old information.
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Merci, au même moment mes essais ont conclus à cette fonction qui est d'afficher effectivement le bon onglet en fonction de l'utilisateur, cependant d'autres comme arrivent à n'afficher d'office QUE la page des cartes bancaires et l'utilisateur Paypal doit systématiquement cliquer sur "Payer avec mon compte Paypal", comment font ils avec leurs plugin?
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