Using A Passport to Resolve PoA and Photo ID


Hello! Quick Q for the community- are passports accpeted for photo ID? Can they also provide PoA? I emailed PayPal eariler but received a reponse that didn't make much sesne for my query (I may have accidentally clicked the wrong subject tho so I'll try again as well as call). Just wanted input from others who've resolved the issues before (my account is new).

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Hi IsalyWolf, 

Thanks for posting here in our Community, 

You can provide a Passport as a copy of your ID but you are not able to provide this same document as POA. We would need another document for the proof of address. 

We can accept these documents as a POA:

  • Utility bills (phone and broadband services, health insurance, gas, water, electricity, etc.)
  • Bank or credit card statements
  • Your driving licence. (Note: We can only accept a driving licence if: it shows your address, it's been issued within the last 12 months, and it's accompanied by another valid government-issued photo ID)
  • Your printed payslip.

I hope this helps.


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