Automatic Logoff


Starting this week PayPal has been logging out my account after a period of inactivity.  This is new behavior, and troublesome as there is no warning to allow me to remain logged so that I can keep the information I'm currently viewing on screen.  To make it more frustrating, each time I try to log in again PayPal promotes their loans, so it's 3 clicks to get to the PayPal home screen, then I have to recreate whatever screen I was on.


Is there a way to control the amount of time before logging out, or a way to receive an alert before logging out?



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Hi @philzSquid,

Thanks for your post here in the Community!


I see that you have been frustrated by the page timing out when visiting your PayPal account information. I apologize if this has caused an inconvenience to you. This type of adjustment is most likely available from your phone or device's settings. PayPal is a payment processor and security company, so keeping a page open for an extended period of time would be risky. It is a normal precaution to have the page timeout and ask for valid credentials before accessing the data again. There is not a way to change this from PayPal's end as it is built into the risk system. You have about 5 to 10 minutes before the page will time out. Although this setting is not adjustable, there is an option to stay logged in using PayPal One Touch. This can be used to skip logging in with your email and password. When you access your account from your device, PayPal can automatically log you in and help make the checkout process easy. Please take some time to read over the information to decide if it is a tool you'd like to set up. 

Here’s how to activate One Touch for your PayPal account:

1. Go to One Touch.

2.Click Activate One Touch.

3.Log in with your account credentials to complete the activation.

For your account safety:

We’ll still ask you to log in whenever you update your PayPal personal or financial account information.

To avoid misuse of your PayPal account, please only activate One Touch on your personal device or computer and not on a public or shared computer or device.


How do I view and manage the devices that remember my login?

Here’s how to check the devices and browsers you’ve currently enabled One Touch:

1. Go to Settings.

2. Click Security.

3. Click Edit next to "Stay logged in for faster purchases."

4. View the list of devices and browsers that remember your login.

If you need to turn off One Touch from a certain device, simply click Log out beside that device in the list. Alternatively, you may also turn off the feature entirely by changing the password of your PayPal account or logging out from all your devices.


Wishing you some relief through this troublesome challenge. 


Thanks for your understanding!

- Schae

*If you see a post that was helpful, please benefit the Community by giving it a thumbs up (kudos) or accepting it as a solution.*
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This message is about using PayPal from a Firefox web browser on a Mac OS X system.  The behavior of PayPal changed to start logging me off automatically and I'd like to control the amount of time.  I'd also not have to see an advertisement page each time I re-log in.

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Hi @philzSquid,


Thanks for clarifying!


There is not the option to control the action you are asking, my apologies. You will be automatically logged out after 5 to 10 minutes of inactivity. This is for secure purposes. When logging in, you will be brought to a landing page at first and then you can head to your account overview. This is how our login process works, there is no way to remove this additional screen. You may attempt to login using the mobile app as this will bring you directly to your account overview. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. It could be beneficial if our preference options allowed more flexibility. 


Thanks for your time!


- Schae

*If you see a post that was helpful, please benefit the Community by giving it a thumbs up (kudos) or accepting it as a solution.*
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