How remove promotional emails from PayPal


I just had to get help on Paypal Chat to stop emails from Paypal with coupons for iHerb.   I've never gotten emails like this from Paypal in the past and I don't want anymore in the future.  The customer service agent put a stop to it.  I asked if I could have a link so that I could stop promotional emails in the future, and was told no, he stopped it and that was that.   I could conceivably get more with other company names, and wonder why I can't choose to not receive any promotional emails in my preferences.   Any help would be appreciated.



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Hello @plantsower,


Welcome to PayPal Community! I understand that you may be having issues with setting up notification preferences. I know this can be concerning and I will do my best to help. Typically, you can set your preferences by following the instructions found here:


How do I set up my email notification preferences?


I hope this helps! 

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