Why is it now (again) that I need a mobile phone number?


This had been a problem a few years ago. Not Everyone has a mobile phone, much less a mobile phone number. This had been an issue a few years ago and then resolved without requiring a mobile phone number. Why now again? I do not see the benefit of having to pay for something I do not use, especially a Monthly Fee regardless of whatever amount. This was NEVER a requirement when I joined Paypal nearly 20 years ago, and I will not allow a Mobile Phone Number to identify my being.

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You need to have a mobile (not landline) phone issued in your country and registered in just your name verified on your Paypal account.
Paypal are using mobile phones for i.d requirements for logging in and withdrawal funds for extra security measures.
Don't need a monthly fee phone, just use a cheap pay as you go phone?

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Not having a cell phone is my choice.  I don't want one period.  If that precludes me from Paypal then send me a link to cancel my account and remove my credit card number please.

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