can we retrieve our emails to paypal and their replies? If not, why wouldn't paypal have this?


I was supposed to get a rebate for opening an account with Zelle or some 3rd party in 2021 and never got it.

I wrote paypal months ago and they said they "were working on it".

Is it possible to retrieve email communications with paypal thru their help portal ?

If not, why wouldn't a tech company like paypal allow such?


Sam F

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Hello @Temp20220406e,


Welcome to the PayPal Community! I'm sorry to hear you're running into some issues with a past promotion. I would recommend reaching out to our Customer Support teams to review past communications as well as inquire about a promotion that you may have qualified for. You can reach Customer Support by clicking Contact at the bottom of the PayPal website. They're also available through Twitter direct message or Facebook instant message.


Good luck!


 - Jon K

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