Can't access funds crowdfunding for medical treatment due to changed mobile number!


Hello, I'm receiving crowdfunding donations for emergency medical treatment, can't access funds due to changed mobile number.
How do I rectify this please? It's highly urgent I can do so.


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Update - turned on phone to 10%, one more last ditch attempt to access this money or the only option left is suicide. Is anyone able to send a brief email to support from their account and help save the life of another human being please.  I don't have colostomy bags now as the last one had been on on 6 days (supposed to 1 day) now I have excrement coming out of my stomach making it very difficult to move but I've come to the petrol garage, with feces oozing out of me to send this message,


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Do you not think if I had friends and family then i'd be contacting them rather than spending my last few hours trying to ask for help on message board, and one where my messages kept getting hijacked by a sociopath with zero empathy. 

I need help. We are down to actually counting hours now. I'm alone in a country where I do not speak the language and english speaking is not common. I have 10% left on battery so this will be last chance to attempt any communication with any human being and getting the funds I need to save my life. 


You have the option of sending a 2 min message and help save my life, or you can delete messages so that nobody can help. The questions now becomes, what kind of human being are you and want to be?

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