Change email address


I can not change my email address. Why? Ana how can i change it?

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Esteemed Advisor



Go and click on the profile tab (icon next to log out) > click on the + and add another/new email address first > verify it > go back and click on update and tick the box underneath that says make primary > then you should get the remove option by the old now no longer primary email. You can remove that one or leave it on as you can have up to 8 email addresses on the one paypal account.

Advice is voluntary.
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Thank you for your answer, I meant a business account, not a personal one, it is in a business account that I cannot change my email. And I don’t have any of the icons you describe, I think this is because you wrote about a personal account.

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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



No point in having a business account in Armenia because the option to receive Paypal payments is sadly not available in Armenia.
You can only send payments for purchases funded by your (confirmed) credit card.

Paypal varies a lot country to country and can only offer the services that the banks / governments of that country allow it to offer.
There are quite a few countries unable to receive Paypal payments.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Oh, I didn’t know about this, what a pity, I really need such an account for my business. I don’t even know what to do now, maybe there is an opportunity to open an account in another country, how to do this is interesting.

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Esteemed Advisor



Do not try and open another countries paypal account, its against paypal rules and as soon as you start to receive payments or try and verify it would be permanently limited and you would be banned from using paypal at all.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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