Community Group Account Question

New Community Member



I setup my account as a personal account because I represent a community group that operates for a small group pf people. We're not a business and have no staff etc. What we do is meet monthly, charge an optional £2 fee to cover room hire, and we occasionally sell handmade or donated items to pay speakers travel/out of pocket costs. I have asked PayPal chat if I should continue with a personal account or move to a business account but the chat person didn't know the answer. I also don't want to lose the ability to accept friends and family payments because we occasionally have people wanting to donate an extra £1 or 2 every now and then. 


Our local council know of the group and we're not required to register as a business but may register as a charity at some point if it becomes relevant. Does anyone here know if I should stick with a personal account or business? For what it's worth, the account is linked to a free, community group bank account.



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