Phone number changed - can't log in


My mobile number changed a few years ago but I never updated my profile. 

Now I can't log in as Paypal wants to send me a text on the old number to verify the account.

I've tried logging in from a different browser which doesn't work.

Also tried using the Help Chat system, but this also requires me to log in to proceed.

Tried ringing the help support number but spent ages going round and round in circles with the automated options, could not get to a point of speaking to an actual person.

Funny thing is, when I selected 'Ask the Community' to access this forum, it allowed me to log in to create this profile to do this!

Really stuck as to how to resolve. Would really appreciate if anyone can offer some help with this please?

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What do you mean? I did that and nothing could change
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Hi. I had the same problem. The easiest way is: 1. You need the last 4 digits of the card registered 2. Phone 0203917000 It will be sorted in minutes. Simple as that....
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Thanks so much. Changing the mobile number really worked for me with just calling PayPal in the UK, from a landline phone: <removed>, you only need the last 4 numbers of the card associated with the PayPal account. Thank you again.

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I do not know why this is mark as "solved" because it is not - I do not want to repeat my self, so here is the answer:


Kind regards


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I thank you for trying to find a solution for so many people with the same problem... BUT can I just point out - NOT A SINGFLE one of these solutions are done or offered by PAYPAL... it requires us to go back and forth, installing new browsers, apps crossing various social media platforms JUST TO get attention... Enough already. Paypal can keep their account. I am not that desperate to pay a company commission who does nothing for me. I am better off using my Credit Card Company. 

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How the hell do I change my phone number all that keeps happening is I go round in circles


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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor


If you go to the 'Help & Contact' icon on the PayPal website. Then if you click the 'Contact Us' link at the bottom of the page. From here, if you click the 'Password and Account Access' option, then 'Login Problems'. On the next page, you will see a 'Call Us' option. You do not need to be logged in to use this feature.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Have try all that and trying to give them a call during business hours without any success..

I'm appreicate your support.

But dont they have a regular email adress which i can contact like all other businesses?

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Dear Community Members, I try to login to my account. For authentification it is forseen to get an SMS or call. Unfortunatly the phonenumbers are incorrect. I couldn‘t reach anyone on the service phone solve the problem . There is no chance to send an E-Mail to a helpdesk. How can I get this solved?
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