Unable to remember new device after removing it from remembered devices


Ever since migrating from my iPhone 13 Pro to my iPhone 15 Pro a year ago i have this problem that i need to use 2FA or sms code every time i open the app even with FaceID depending between 2FA even i have it on or off for testing what works. This all worked comments that are postes by Paypal that say this are safety features and that it can happens some times are a lie. Also i have nothing against asking for a code some times the problem is that it is every time.

Because no one could help me and the support most of the times dont even understand the problem i did some digging and i found a few things.
First if i disable 2FA so only sms codes are send and i completly reset my phone. When i do that i get the option to remember the device and it also seems to work then. But if you then remove the remember device via the website the option to remember it NEVER returns.
Also if 2FA is enable i never get the option to remember it even though some german media said that starting in august this should be an option but now almost one month later nothing happend.

My thinking is that the device identifer is somewhere in their database and you cant remove it from there since the remembered devices lists seems to be incomplete and buggy. Also they seem to store the device identifier in the iOS backup but something went wrong when i transfered from my 13 pro to the 15 pro which messed up the process of trusting my device.

Sadly the support cant seem to help remove all data completly and you dont have any option to reach anyone else that maybe could.

Its so crazy that there are so many reports of this bug in this community and on reddit dating back for over 2-3 years and this bug still exists. Why is it so hard to implement trusting a device which every banking app in the world seems to have no problem with and they handle far more money that paypal.


Also one more thing the app seems to be trusted enough that if i log into paypal via my desktop computer i have to option to select the paypal app for identification and i can accept that request in the app but after that and im logged into the desktop version the app still wants a 2FA code from me. Seems very safe for me.


So how many posts do we need till this is finally fixed and how can we reach people that can actually research the problem?

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