Verifying Identity

New Community Member
I had a PayPal account which was not used for quite some time and seemed like transaction using that account could not be made since I have neglected email notifications that I should reactivate the account within a certain time or something like. Therefore, I decided to delete the account and signed up using the same email address. I was stuck at the verification process as I did not yet verify myself at the bank. After I did, I came back to the account page and tried to verify it, but it was unsuccessful, It said that I have tried too many times using the same email. I decided to close that account again and sign up using a different email. And when it comes to the verification process, the same notification is shown: "You've exhausted all your retry attempts You won't be able to use the same email, as you have exhausted all your retry attempts." I obviously am using a different email here and have been delete and re-sign up for three times already using different emails. Does anyone know what mistake I have made and how could I resolve this??
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