Does PayPal alert a merchant about hacked accounts with just an "AUTHORIZE" sitting in wait?


Here is the basic scenario with "Intent = Capture":


- Customer comes to store, places an order for something.

- Payment is taken immediately on order (no wait period, due to intent=capture).

- Product is either delivered instantly (digital goods), or put on hold for suspicions.

- In 1-3 days, PayPal alerts us of an "unauthorized transaction" dispute due to a hacked paypal account.


Here is a different scenario using "Intent = Authorize":


- Customer comes to store, places an order for something.

- Payment is "Authorized" (not yet captured).

- Order is put on hold because it LOOKS suspicious, so no Capture is done.

- ???  Will PayPal ever notify us that the "authorization" was fraudulent in any way ???


We are trying to figure this out, as if to ever expect that paypal will tell us that an authorize is actually not legit for capture, and we should void it and flag our order as fraud. However I cannot find any information anywhere about the process (if any) that paypal may or may not do in this regard.


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