How to put middle name


I've been wondering why no one is answering about the "middle name" issue. Someone here in the community said that "middle name" does not matter but my money was returned to my paypal because it's said I have wrong information in my bank account so that is basically my "middle name". PAYPAL ACCOUNT does not have middle initial. My bank account has middle initial. So confirmed MIDDLE INITIAL/NAME MATTERS!

Now my next question, where am I going to put my "middle name" is it in FIRST NAME OPTION or LAST NAME OPTION? I hope someone can answer this. Thank you!

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Hi michelle_va29, 


Thank you for contacting the PayPal Community forum, and welcome as a new member! 


The name registered on your PayPal account must be an exact match to the name registered on your bank account. If these details do not match, the transfer may be declined. For information on updating your name, please review this link -


- Siobhan 

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