My phone number is not available for authentication. What should I do?




I have just changed my phone number, and have no access to the old one.


How can I access my paypal account? I tried calling but to no avail, wanted to message paypal but could only log in to message them.


Is there any other way I can retrieve my account? Please kindly assist.




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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor




1. Downloading the app to see if it will let you in to change / update it in the settings.

2. Use the forgotten password option several times.

3. Trying another browser that may let you in without phone verification (then change it when you have logged in).

4. Trying again another day when sometimes you can get in without doing the verification and then change the number.

5. Changing the password a few times sometimes works as it can bypass the phone verification.

If that does not work then you would need to contact customer services so that they can i.d. you another way and then add your new phone number to your account.

Contact options for Paypal are accessed by clicking help/contact bottom left of Paypal pages...

1. Paypal phones are slowly re-opening and increasing in numbers (you can use the guest option if you can't log in).
2. Live chat is also randomly available.
3. You can send them a message, during business hours you may also be able to message whilst logged out.
4. Have you considered contacting Customer Service via Facebook or Twitter?
You can send them a personal message from their Facebook or Twitter pages.
It's: and @AskPayPal for Twitter.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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Dear Ker I appreciate your response towards my issue. I have tried all above-mentioned methods, but to no avail. I mean, it would be greatly appreciated if PayPal can be contacted by email. I’ve tried engaging them via phone call, only to be wasted 8-10 minutes on the automated call system. Would gladly appreciate if there’s another viable solution. Thank you. Regards Jordan
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New Community Member
I’ve been having the same issue for months. And have tried to contact them over the phone but I can’t get a live person. I have $150 I can’t touch because I can’t verify my identity.
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Sorry to hear about that. Such customer service is unacceptable. Why is there a need to confirm the phone number before allowing us to speak to an agent? Moreover, there are no email support, live chat is purely bot.


I am very disappointed with paypal. Is there anyway I can feedback this issue to people of higher authority?



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