As a result, we have removed this bank account from your PayPal account.


The entire message was:


A recent transaction with your bank account ending in xx-<removed> didn't go through.

As a result, we have removed this bank account from your PayPal account.

To re-add this bank account to your PayPal account, please confirm with your bank that all information is correct. Alternatively, you can add another bank account.


We changed checking account services - same bank, different level of service - so we removed the checking account that was linked to paypal, forgetting that we did that.  Now when I go to Wallet -> Link a bank account -> <same bank as before> I get this message:


Something went wrong
We couldn't link your bank.


It's like paypal did remove access to the old no longer available checking account, but there is something left in the account data that is preventing me from adding in another checking account from the same bank. I just want to link another checking account from the same bank.


I have a request in, but it's a long wait queue.


best regards







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Hi pdxzee, 


Thank you for contacting the PayPal Community Forum and welcome as a new member! 


Your question is very account specific and we would be unable to tell you why this has happened over a public forum. I would suggest contacting us via Facebook - https://www, Twitter - @AskPayPal., email or phone and we would be happy to advise.


- Siobhan

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thank you for the reply, I have it resolved. I'm not sure why it happened but the workaround was easy, but not totally obvious:




Choosing my bank



Oh oohhhhh




Ok, that didn't work (and I tried a different bank with the same result), now try something that doesn't sound right:





Oh, I can see my bank, but I can't use the auto link so I have to click on the "Don't see your bank?" link.

and Bingo!  That link text might be better read as "Don't see your bank or there was an error in the above code?" or "Manually link a bank account"


Just a couple of days delay and everything is good in the universe once more.




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