Paypal does not accept TransferWise IBAN number


Hello to the whole community. Please help me with this please. I try to connect my Transferwise account with paypal, but paypal is making mistakes. (You can see the error in the appendix). I hope there is a solution to this problem.
That's why I see it as a mistake.;
I have two names. I have two names in TransferWise. I have a name at PayPal. Could that be a problem?




İpucu:  Can I transfer money from my Paypal account to my Transferwise account?  Why I'm Not Able to Add TransferWise to PayPal as a Bank? 

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Hi ibrhimaydiin and welcome, 


When you are adding any type of bank or transfer option to your PayPal account the names must match otherwise you will receive an error. If you have two names and only one registered on PayPal then I would recommend updating your name on your PayPal account. You can do this by clicking on "Help & Contact" and then typing in "name change". 


I hope this helps, 




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