Account hacked...unable to remove bank account and cancel account
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Good morning, hoping that someone may be more helpful than the joke of a customer service team that Paypal currently has employed.
Two days ago, I awoke to several emails from Paypal all in French (I live in the US and speak English). When I accessed my account, I noticed that everything was in French (still is). I began searching through the settings to see what was up. I noticed that the account was now "professional" which was wrong as I had only used this as a personal account. There was also a new name <supprimé>, different address, different phone numbers, etc. My paypal was still tied to two bank accounts and one credit card. The only transaction that was initiated was a $ 1,000 withdrawal from one of my checking accounts.
I quickly changed the password, added 2 step verification, and began to try and remove bank accounts / cards from the account. It let me remove the credit card, but it is not letting me delete the bank accounts for some reason (I just get an error message in French that basically says "we cannot complete this action at this time"). I can't delete the account either because of the pending charge. My language setting in Paypal is still set to English, however everything remains in French (my chrome is continually translating).
So now I'm left with a potentially hacked Paypal account that it won't let me close, it won't let me remove bank accounts or personal information, it's defaulting to the wrong language, and there is no customer service able to help me. What the heck is going on?

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