Gumtree Scam insistence on using Australia Post


Messages from from Simone <removed> in relation to a laptop. They were very anxious to make the sale and it seemed like another person took over the email address because they made an error in the quoted total cost, which included posting, and added extra to the quoted total cost by adding postage. The emails started to have an off feel. Reported the emails to Google Phishing, blocked the sender and sent the sender to spam. I was out of pocket by buying packaging.
I'm well pleased with all you've stated and regards to the price it sounds okay as well,I am happy to proceed with the purchase...i want it sent to my cousin as a surprise birthday gift through Australian Post as I won't be able to come for check up due to the nature of my work,I'm an oceanographer presently working off shore at the moment. I have tried calling but the network so bad for weeks now so I will be glad if you can get back to me with some more pictures if available.Regarding the payment i will be paying you through PayPal as i have linked it up with my bank account so you can get back to me with your PayPal email so i can secure the sales, Alternatively you can get back to me with your account name, bsb number and account number if you don't have a PayPal account so my merchant PayPal account can transfer to any of  both account without delay.

We are good to go now I will transfer the fund into your account soon and I will send you the address for the shipping too, kindly take off the Ad on the gumtree advert and ignore other buyers as well.

I have made the payment of $980.00 AUD into your account and I belief PayPal should have notify you to this effect and what needed to be done in regards to there new security policy to finalize the transfer .Please check your email address for there Confirmation mail from pay pal and i also added $130 for Express post service to cover all shipping cost via Australian Post EMS.I would like you to help me ship the item asap via Australian Post. I have received an email from Pay pal that the funds have been deducted from my account and it will be credited into your account once you advise them of the shipment tracking number kindly confirm this and help me get the item shipped asap. Below is the shipping address: Rebecca <removed>, United States

Please send the item using the option Express post when getting the item send and get the necessary details sent to PayPal (Tracking Number) and senders name and address used to send the item so that they can release the whole fund into your account. Please get back to me once done.

I have already made the payment, Please make sure you log in to this your email you might have been notify about the payment i made.if you do not find notification  in your inbox  check your Spam/Junk folder and drag the notification into your inbox so you don't miss out on notifications!

Kindly check your inbox,junk and spam folder for the payment confirmation, As per the PayPal email sent to me which is also similar to yours. You are required to send the it via aus post and then send the tracking number to PayPal for verification. Once they receive the tracking number from you, the total amount would be released into your account. So you should go ahead with the shipping ASAP and then send the details to PayPal for verification so that you can get your money and we can finalize this transaction,the act of taking the step is to secure both party the buyer and the seller i will advice you to get the necessary things so as to complete these transaction asap.



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Esteemed Advisor
Esteemed Advisor



Yep this scam is all over this forum and the internet and been ongoing for about 15 years.



They encourage you to accept a 'direct' Paypal payment and may ask you to send the item internationally.
No funds or activity of the transaction shows in your Paypal account and any emails 'may' go into your junk or spam folders.


You will get/got a "fake" email that looks as though it is from isn't because they don't actually have a Paypal account and have no intention of paying you.
It will say the buyer has paid won't have been paid.
They will tell you that the payment is released when you provide paypal with a tracking/shipping number......this won't happen.

Paypal NEVER tell you to send an item before the payment is showing in your paypal account.
Paypal do not tell you to send trackable, they advise it for selling protection but it is not compulsory.
Delete any emails and ignore the scammers.

Advice is voluntary.
Kudos / Solution appreciated.
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