[CLOSED] #PayPalFreelancer Workstation Contest

PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee


Share your best #FreelanceWorkstation picture and stand a chance to win USD200 from PayPal!


As a Freelancer, your workstation is your office, your control centre, your home for hours in the day. But it’s more than just a practical place to sit and work – it’s a way to express your unique personality.


Whether your setup is a multi-monitor power station, a quirky corner filled with toys and action figures or a backpack and laptop in the coffee shop, we want to see where you do your freelancing. There are TWO things you should do to be qualified:

1. Upload a photo of your #FreelanceWorkstation in your post below. 

2. Tell us in a short write-up about what makes it special. 


Looking forward to seeing your entries!


*Terms & Conditions apply.


UPDATE: Contest is now closedSee previous winning entries here


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At home, sorrounded by green leaves, acompanied by coffee, my workspace.


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Hi @pandu,


Your image appears to be corrupted. Do check and edit your entry to qualify for the first round of submissions which ends on June 8th 2016! 




If my post or any other was helpful, please show your appreciation by giving kudos or accepting it as a solution.
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This is my work station, though its a bit chaotic.

But for me, it is awesome! Because, this is the place where I can express my self on working hard, day or night.

It is awesome because aside from a workstation, this place is my entertainment center, I can watch movies, a little bit of gaming, surfing the net,

drink coffee, listening to music and eat my meals.

And also it is close to my bed, which I can easily relax.

This little place here helped me a lot, not only on my work, but also my financial needs,

this is where I earn money. Buy the things that I want and what I need. Through Paypal and its very good service.

And im proud of it!

Awesome right?


My simple workstationMy workstation

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ajari aku donk..


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Hi @grupoalianzaemp,


Just a reminder to post a short write-up to qualify! Also, please note from our terms & conditions that only Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines and Indonesia PayPal account users who fulfill further conditions are eligible for the contest. 





If my post or any other was helpful, please show your appreciation by giving kudos or accepting it as a solution.
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Sorry, i followed an ad without the term and conditions and it wasn't targeted, I'm from New York and I'm not a freelance.

Have a nice day.


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As a freelancer, I have the flexibility. And so is true with my workstation. It's quite unusual but I have nature as my office.




It's always been my dream of having to embrace the nature with my freelance life. I always makes me feel more relaxed, making me more keen to successful decision making. It also provokes creativity as nature is limitless of its beauty. As I Back-End Web Developer, I am not bounded to 4-corner room, which is really an advantage, given the critical developments going on. So, with the client half-way round the world, I can continue to give excellent service, thanks to the wonderful creation here in Philippines. Thanks also PayPal for a very reliable service.

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