Continue Shopping Link

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Trying to find out how to change the hyperlink in a Shopping Cart.  When I click on the CONTINUE SHOPPING link, it sends me to my main INDEX page of my website, when I actually want it to go to the page where I'm selling my items.  Help!


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I revised the previous <script> which used:

         if (window.history.length > 2)

  and replaced it with:
 var from = document.referrer.split('/')[2];
     var url = '[Your_Shopping_Page_URL]';
     if (from == "")
         window.location.href = url;
The problem I ran into with the previous code was that if a visitor arrived at the site's index page after having visited any other pages (from any site) in that browsing session, they would be redirected to the shopping page immediately and never see the index page. This code only redirects to the shopping page if the previous page was the PayPal site (regardless of session history) which otherwise returns the visitor to the index page for the site by default instead of to the intended shopping page for the site.
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Thanks so much for this solution.  adding the shopping_url= http://whatever   worked beautifully.  And you are correct, you do not have to copy and paste the entire button again.  I have struggled with this for over a year and so happy to find a solution!  thanks again.

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I saw the post about how to redirect the Continue Shopping Link but couldn't read the small copied text  Can you send it to me? 

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My site also has the Continue Shopping link issue of not enabling customers to be returned to a specific page.

I thought I had the matter resolved by developing a generic page with links back to pages until I sought to connect that link to the Continue Shopping button. No luck hence coming to this community.


Is anyone aware of a means to connect a page URL to the Paypal Continue Shopping button? Today I had to manually coach two customers online on how to continue their shopping.

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Any luck resolving this issue of the Continue Shopping Link?  I'm having the same issue and on a tight deadline to get the fixed by 8/1.

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My "continue shopping" link in the cart is taking people back to the cancellation page instead of the page they were previously on ... wish it were the main page or any other page on my website.  It's not canceling any items in the cart but the customer does not know that.  How do we fix this problem? 

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Hi Rita, I see you had this problem and there were a couple of workarounds posted in this string. I wonder if you tried the solutions and if your issue was resolved? I'm trying to find confirmation that this can be fixed. Thank you! -- Victoria


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Hi Veecee2020 and everyone else who has been trying to solve this issue,


I have finally resolved this issue on my own website, after two rounds of email discussion with Paypal Tech Support. Previous posts here on this topic outlined what to do with a Saved Button. I'll summarize:


1. Go to your Saved buttons, choose the "Action" dropdown menu and click Edit on the Add to Cart button you need to change. BTW, you need to edit each Add to Cart button individually. I have 4 items for sale and had to repeat these steps for each.


2. Scroll down to Step 3, Customize advanced features.


3. Once there, scroll down to Add Advanced Variables. I tried this many times based on previous solutions offered here, and had several different strings, like this one shown as the Example on the edit page: address_override=1


None of these ever worked. 😞


Here is what worked for me: In the text box, add this and only this: shopping_url=https://www.your website/your products page/.

For example, mine is: shopping_url=


4. Select the code, copy it, paste it to your webpage. Refresh the page and see if it works for you.




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Hi BobMac21, thank you so much for your detailed reply! I haven't tried it yet but will in the next day and promise to come back and reply with an update. Thanks again! 



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Bob Mac's solution worked for me (hooray!), except for some reason, I had to add the code manually. If you have to go this route, insert this into each button's code


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