Currently using Paypal IPN service. Continue using IPN or look at new options?


Sigh. This ate my message once.

I have a subscription service that I set up a long, long time ago, on a very old server. When payments are made, Paypal sends an IPN to the server and it handles the rest. This is working fine, on the old server.

I am building a new server to take over. It seems like IPN service is extremely out dated. Is there a better option? I would prefer it in php if possible, and if there's any code examples that would be fantastic.

If IPN is still the option, does anyone know if the IPN simulation is functioning correctly? It is returning INVALID every time.
I am outputing to a file the post data from paypal, and outputting to a file the post data I am sending, and they are identical (I used a program to check, after I visually looked) other than the "cmd=_notify-validate&" at the start.

I tried both this 

and my old code from the old working server, verifying the post data incoming/outgoing being identical, but still INVALID.

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