In the paypal developer dashboard I see the API call for this action, but in orange...
I don't understand where is the error !
Thanks in advance for your help.
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I'm using a Sandbox and I created a paypal plan with Paypal PHP SDK and activated it.
// Paypal plan definition
$plan = new Plan();
$plan->setName('A plan title');
$plan->setDescription('The plan description');
// paypal trial
$paymentDefinitionTrial = new PaymentDefinition();
$paymentDefinitionTrial->setName('7 free days');
$paymentDefinitionTrial->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 0, 'currency' => 'EUR')));
// Paypal standard payment definition
$paymentDefinition = new PaymentDefinition();
$paymentDefinition->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 30, 'currency' => 'EUR')));
// Array of the two payment definitions
$paymentDefinitions = array($paymentDefinitionTrial, $paymentDefinition);
// Paypal Merchant Preferences
$merchantPreferences = new MerchantPreferences();
$merchantPreferences->setReturnUrl(setUrlSchemeIfNotExist('<a href="" target="_blank"></a>'));
$merchantPreferences->setCancelUrl(setUrlSchemeIfNotExist('<a href="" target="_blank"></a>'));
// Paypal Plan conf definition
// Plan creation
$request = clone $plan;
try {
$output = $plan->create($paypalApiContext);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
throw new WireException('Error from Paypal to create the Plan');
When I try to check if this Pla is OK, I used :
try {
$plan = Plan::get('P-8N611293...11KKMN5MZI', $paypalApiContext);
} catch (Exception $ex) {
And it's OK. The Plan is created and active :
But, when I'm following the Paypal dev doc ( to create a subscription with Smart Button method, and I am cliquing on the yellow smart button I have a Javascript Error in the console :
Error: Create Subscription Api response error:
"message": "The specified resource does not exist.",
"debug_id": "23912dc1195d",
"details": [
"description": "Requested resource ID was not found."
"links": [
"href": "<a href="" target="_blank"></a>",
"rel": "information_link",
"method": "GET"
Here is the Javascript code used :
// paypal.Buttons().render('#paypal-button-container');
createSubscription: function(data, actions) {
return actions.subscription.create({
'plan_id': 'P-8N611293...11KKMN5MZI'
onApprove: function(data, actions) {
alert('You have successfully created subscription ' + data.subscriptionID);
In the paypal developer dashboard I see the API call for this action, but in orange...
I don't understand where is the error !
Thanks in advance for your help.
I had the same problem. Probably you are loading the button script with "client-id=sb" or no client id specified. In order to work with plans you created via API you need to explicitly set "client-id=<client-id-of-your-REST-API-app>" when loading the script. Then the buttons will find your created plan. It took me a while to get that and this is nowhere documented.
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