System error for my Paypal button after years of correct working


I use a paypal button since years, but why it leads now to an error page with a code for lack of parameters, although I haven't change anything? [WEBSITE]

The same button on the footer of my blog works. I use the wordpress Plugin "Paypal Donations"

Would be great if anybody could help.


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Hello @andidauerblog,

Thank you for posting to the PayPal Merchant Community.

There could be several reasons why your PayPal button is leading to an error page with a lack of parameters code. Here are a few possible explanations:

1. Plugin or Theme Conflict: If you haven't made any changes to your website recently, it's possible that a recent update to either your WordPress plugin or theme is causing a conflict with the PayPal button. Try disabling any recently installed plugins or themes to see if the issue resolves.


2. Deprecated Parameters: PayPal frequently updates their API, and sometimes certain parameters or settings may become deprecated or no longer supported. Check if there are any updates available for your PayPal plugin or if there are any recommended changes in the plugin's documentation to ensure compatibility with the latest PayPal API.


3. Cache or CDN Issue: Clear your website cache and browser cache to eliminate any potential caching issues. Additionally, if you are using a Content Delivery Network (CDN), try purging the cache on the CDN as well.


4. Visual Editor in WordPress can sometimes cause a PayPal Button to stop working after years. Its recommended to remove the button, disable the visual editor, and then re-paste the button into the html of your website.


One other option is to use the Smart Donation button from your PayPal Account, it will generate a direct link, since its using the most updated integration, any changes are made are automatically updated through PayPal. This should prevent any future plugin conflict issues, or deprecated variable issues.


Here are the steps to creating a smart donation button:

  • Log into your non profit PayPal Account at
  • Click on Pay & Get Paid
  • Click on Donations
  • Click Get Started
  • Click on Get a link under (Create a link)
  • Fill in information
  • Click Continue
  • Choose "Yes" under "Let donors make monthly recurring donations?"
    • If you would like your donors to have the option to cover the fees you can choose yes
      Click Continue
    • If you need info from Donors click on Get info from donors and chose "Yes"
    • If you would like your donors returned to your website toggle on "Take donors back to your website"
      • Add your Cancel URL and Return URL
    • Click Publish

You can copy the Shareable link that is provided, and have your developer use the link from your PayPal Account.


Thank you,




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