Upgrade to business account problems


After creating a Paypal Business Account in addition to my personal account I was suggested I will be able to accept all these addition al European payment methods. After diverting my shopping cart from my personal account and into the business account within just 2 weeks I had two sizable orders destroyed by Paypal failing to engage during customer'«s checkout process. The module just said "Paypal Checkout was unavailable". My technician said it was not the fault of my shop, but Paypal was simply unavailable to take my customers orders.

I now disabled my Paypal Business Checkout and reverted to Personal account's checkout and did not look back. It was like your best friend failing to help you by being unavailable when you needed them most. Paypal support also were unable to help just by stating that my Paypal business account works and they have no idea why the checkout failed for two customers placing sizable orders. Not wanting to risk anymore loss of income I stop using Paypal Business Account checkout.

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