Why did PayPal remove the PayPal Buttons link from Pay & Get Paid?


  Why has PayPal removed the PayPal Buttons link from the Pay & Get Paid section at the top on my main PayPal page?

  It just disappeared this week for me (4-21-23) and I did find a couple of far more convoluted ways to find the page to view and edit my saved buttons.  What is ridiculous is that they removed the link to get there at all and a PayPal rep could not even give me directions on how to find them. He just said it had been missing for 5 days without a fix. 

   As it is....logging in and going to:


    ...seems to be the most direct route. 

   Please fix this PayPal. 

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Thank you. I have wasted so much time trying to figure this out
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It seems like only developers to add buttons to sites now. Paypal don't seem to want to support basic users anymore! A shame because they're just losing out money to other providers!

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You are right. Since the new Paypal integration they have discontinued the buttons as we knew them ! This is very bad news

Now you will need some technical knowledge or pay someone to update your website. 





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"Some" technical knowledge? LOL. I've built more than 2,000 websites in 27 years, and recognize that no one without a master's degree in computer engineering can figure it out. They only want big companies now, so this is how they wipe out a few million "little people."  smh

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You're correct. They estimate that anyone billing under 12k pr month can't afford to pay a developer. It's how CEO is moving Paypal to serve only large customers, while playing innocent in making buttons too sophisticated for the hoi-polloi.  Shame. I've been with them 20+ yrs. Hoping to find an alternative.

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I'm having the same problem. Plus, some of my saved buttons are not on the list and I'm unable to create any new ones or even revise existing ones. I keep getting an error message that says "Something went wrong. Try again."

I was told by a Paypal cust svc rep that Paypal buttons are being phased out. What are long-time Paypal customers supposed to do? I asked to speak to a manager and was put on hold. I'm still on hold after 20 minutes. This is really scary stuff for businesses that use Paypal.

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I use wix for our site and its easy to just embed button code. Hope they dont get rid of paypal buttons as they allow text fields and dropdowns which makes admin much much easier
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Sorry, not solved at all. I went to the link. It took me in the end to the same technical developer oriented page I keep seeing that means nothing to me. Where are my saved buttons?  I just want them back.  I have just about had it with PayPal. Everytime I log on to look, it is different, but nothing like the straightforward easy to use button creator that I used in the past.

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With your help here I did find the PayPal buttons, however I am not able to edit or copy the buttons, which is what I need to do now! I made a bunch of buttons up a while ago and just came back to work on the web design again... very discouraging to not be able to do so... I will try to just make a new button, and hoping that will work. Copy and edit is so much easier to make new buttons.

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I'm also deeply frustrated and ready to leave PayPal. It used to be that you could add a "tax", which I used to charge the PayPal service fees so that I was not incurring that cost myself. But now that option is also gone. Unbelievable. I am not a developer. The new instructions for the "smart" buttons are opaque to me. What was once easy, intuitive and EASY is not stupidly hard. WHY? The original link posted did lead me to buttons, but not the way they once were.


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