paypal not updating virtuemart status to confirmed


since 16 july 2023 paypal is not updating the pending to confirmed in virtuemart. Nothing changed at the site. Just stays at pending.

managed to get a debug and it says :Any ideas.

Debug seems to send all what is reqd. Not using IPN


[id] => 4085
[virtuemart_order_id] => 3293
[order_number] => L62603163
[virtuemart_paymentmethod_id] => 9
[payment_name] => <span class="vmpayment_name">Paypal</span>
[payment_order_total] => 6.90000
[payment_currency] => 52
[email_currency] => 52
[cost_per_transaction] => 0.00
[cost_percent_total] => 0.00
[tax_id] => 0
[paypal_custom] => ba97c7fdd891b36eb43a7169d19bf81d
[paypal_method] => 0
[paypal_response_mc_gross] => 0.00
[paypal_response_mc_currency] => 0
[paypal_response_invoice] => 0
[paypal_response_protection_eligibility] => 0
[paypal_response_payer_id] => 0
[paypal_response_tax] => 0.00
[paypal_response_payment_date] => 0
[paypal_response_payment_status] => 0
[paypal_response_pending_reason] => 0
[paypal_response_mc_fee] => 0.00
[paypal_response_payer_email] => 0
[paypal_response_last_name] => 0
[paypal_response_first_name] => 0
[paypal_response_business] => 0
[paypal_response_receiver_email] => 0
[paypal_response_transaction_subject] => 0
[paypal_response_residence_country] => 0
[paypal_response_txn_id] => 0
[paypal_response_txn_type] => 0
[paypal_response_parent_txn_id] => 0
[paypal_response_case_creation_date] => 0
[paypal_response_case_id] => 0
[paypal_response_case_type] => 0
[paypal_response_reason_code] => 0
[paypalresponse_raw] => 0
[paypal_fullresponse] => 0
[created_on] =>[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]53:45
[created_by] => 1087
[modified_on] =>[Removed. Phone #s not permitted]53:45
[modified_by] => 1087
[locked_on] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00
[locked_by] => 0



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