Payment error: User authentication failed

New Community Member

Hello guys,
I have installed on my woo commerce
PayPal , Paypal pro and PayPal Pro PayFlow

With paypal payment no issues, the user is redirected to paypal and can proceed to the payment.
But for Paypal Pro payflow, somehow i have : Payment error: User authentication failed.

I have check again and again the setting
for Paypal Pro  setting
I have checked : API Username, API Password and API Signtature, it is all correct
For Payflow 
I have checked : PayPal Vendor,  Paypal Password and PayPal User, it is also correct


it is driving me crazy, some of you experienced the same issue?

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PayPal Employee
PayPal Employee



I see you mention API Signature, which is not used for Payflow, but for PayPal API which leads be to believe you have Website Payments Pro instead of PayPal Payments Pro and/or you are in UK.

My suggestion is contact Payflow support and they can verify your account and make sure you have the proper account.


Contact support here. 



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