Shipping email and phone missing in Create shipping label


I am glad to use this community for the first time.

I have already set Paypal Payments Pro on my website so user can pay without leaving my website.
Everything is fine except 1 (well in fact 2) thing. All the right informations about billing and shipping address are sent to Paypal except the shipping email address and the shipping to phone number. I noticed that when trying to create a shipping label for a transaction in my paypal account.
When clicking on "Ship" to create a shipping label, I noticed that in the "Ship to" area the email was in fact the one that is associated with the BILLTOEMAIL variable from the payflow SDK and not with the SHIPTOEMAIL variable. Both are different when sending my request to paypal so that is what wakes me up.
I also noticed that no ship to phone number was there. When doing international shipping I need the phone number but even when sending it to paypal, it does not appear. I have tried all these variables in the SDK call (SHIPTOPHONENUM,  SHIPTOPHONENUMBER, SHIPTOPHONE, PHONETOSHIP and PHONENUM) without success.




Can someone please help me out with this.
Thank you.

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